Monday, 1 June 2015

Interchange of interrogative and affirmative sentences

Interchange of interrogative and assertive sentences

Here generally affirmative questions imply negative answer and vice versa. Examples are as follows:
Interrogative: Who does not wishes to be happy.
Assertive: Everybody wishes to be happy.

Interrogative: Can I ever forget you?
Assertive: I can never forget you.

Interrogative: If you poison us, do we not die?
Assertive: If you poison us, we shall die.

Interrogative: If you prick us, do we not bleed.
Assertive: If you prick us we shall bleed.

Interrogative: If you tickle us, do we not laugh?
Assertive: If you tickle us we shall laugh.

Interrogative: If you wrong us, shall we not take revenge?
Assertive: If you wrong us, we shall take revenge.

Interrogative: O death, where is thy sting?
Assertive: O death, thy sting is no where.

Interrogative: O grave, where is thy grave?
Assertive: O grave, thy grave is no where.

Interrogative: Who can bear an unprovoked insult.
Assertive: No one can bear an unprovoked insult.

Interrogative: Who does not know him.
Assertive: Everyone knows him.

Interrogative: Are you not a cowered?
Assertive: You are a coward.

Interrogative: Was he not a villain to do such a deed?

Assertive: He was a villain to do such a deed. 


  1. I am bit confuse ;
    If you prick us ,do we not bleed?
    = If you prick us,we shall bleed.
    How the result is in future would you mind expalining it?

    1. Its common sense dear on pricking what would happen it would bleed only
